The Elder Scrolls® Online

cover art for The Elder Scrolls® Online
Released: May 22, 2017
AppleWindows 11Linux

Apple Compatibility Score

Average Tier Rank
Runs with minor issues
Average Frame Rate
45 - 60 FPS
Posts With Frame Rate Stutters
Average Gamepad Rank
[ None Given ]
Fri Oct 14 2022IronTwo
-Works well on Medium settings. -The loading times in between zones are short. Quite important. -Occasionally stutters. Mostly when I'm in really crowded zones or when there are lots of things happening on the screen, e.g. in 12-player trials where everyone constantly casts various spells with their own visual effects, sometimes in Battlegrounds, and sometimes in Cyrodiil (main PvP zone). -Supports *most* addons. Some popular ones such as Tamriel Trade Center needs additional tweaking to get it working. -Requires too much RAM, quite natural for an MMORPG. I tend to quit every other app before launching the game since I only have 8 GB. Occasionally crashes if there are other apps running in the background. I had it crash on me with Safari and WhatsApp running in the background. -Sometimes when you launch the game, the loading animation stutters a lot, the music doesn't play, and the game won't start however much you wait. In that situation you will have to hit ⌘+⌥+esc to quit the game (⌘+Q doesn't work for some reason), and then launch it again. It happens like once every 10 logins and once you login it doesn't have any impact on the gameplay. -⌘+tabbing too many times crashes the game. -Scrying animations (a DLC-unlocked skill) are kinda broken, doesn't affect the skill itsel Overall, it works. Since I am a huge fan of the game I keep playing it despite the imperfections mentioned above. Please note that once you start playing most of those problems doesn't happen.
Tier Rank
Runs with minor issues
Frame Rate
45 - 60 FPS
Rosetta 2
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