Blood West

cover art for Blood West
Released: Feb 10, 2022
AppleWindows 11Linux

Apple Compatibility Score

Average Tier Rank
Runs perfect after tweaks
Average Frame Rate
30 - 45 FPS
Posts With Frame Rate Stutters
Average Gamepad Rank
[ None Given ]
Fri Jan 13 2023BensThoughts

Runs pretty well on my Macbook Air M1 2020 with Crossover 22. Ran with DXVK off in exclusive full screen. Not the best or worst frame rate, average was about 30 FPS but could get up to 40 or dip to 25 occasionally. Very minor occasional stutters, not really game interrupting. It is definitely playable, although those that are sensitive to occasional stutter and low to medium frame rates might want to pass. I imagine this would run really well on any higher end Macbook.

Tier Rank
Runs perfect after tweaks
Frame Rate
30 - 45 FPS
CrossOver 22
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