cover art for OMORI
Released: Dec 25, 2020
AppleWindows 11Linux

Apple Compatibility Score

Average Tier Rank
Crashes often
Average Frame Rate
60 - 120 FPS
Posts With Frame Rate Stutters
Average Gamepad Rank
[ None Given ]
Tue Nov 22 2022jokedotcom
The game runs okay. It is very playable after getting the game to boot itself. NOTES: Full-screen mode doesn't like the retina screen and boxes it into the center. When launching, the wrapper program "nwjshelper" does not like Apple Silicon, so it might need to be quit in activity monitor. Sometimes, the game instantly crashes on boot. This is solved by deleting the browser cache data in ~/Library/Application Support/OMORI
Tier Rank
Crashes often
Frame Rate
60 - 120 FPS
Rosetta 2
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